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Social media is great way to reach customers

Social Media

Express yourself, join the conversation...
To Facebook or not to Facebook?


Social media is something that more and more companies are using to communicate with their existing and prospective customers. It’s also very easy to overlook, after all isn't it just one more thing to have to manage, think about and plan for?


To some it may seem daunting and to others a stroll in the park, whatever way you view it, social media is an affordable element of marketing that really can deliver results. Your approach to social media really says something about your business; how open you are to having a ‘conversation’ and are you truly customer focused?


It can also take a great deal of investment in time and resources, that’s why getting it right is so important.


Tadpole Marketing consultancy offers the following social media services:


  • Audit; how are you using social media? Can you do more? Are you using the right channels?

  • Setup and Design; how to start from scratch with your social activity

  • Strategy; how to effectively use the channels

  • Planning & Implementation; creating a social media plan and rolling it out

  • Management; help with maintaining the channels

  • Measurement; what are the metrics behind the channels, how are they performing


These marketing services can be engaged individually or as part of a complete package.

Let's connect using Social Media
Connect with us
  • Wix Twitter page
  • LinkedIn App Icon
Here are some examples...
InSync Creative

InSync Creative

Creation of blog posts as part of social media strategy A series of posts were commissioned as part of an ongoing social media strategy to grow the profile of the business. The posts were crafted around subjects determined by the client.

Tadpole Marketing

Tadpole Marketing

Creating social media from scratch. It's really important to tell everyone about what you do and with few of us reading a newspaper traditional advertising simply doesn't work as effectively anymore. The world of social media is a great affordable way to spread the word - the trick is getting it right!



Creation and management of Pearson social media channels for a suite of products Social media was used to communicate with customers and followers/likers to share product and corporate messaging whilst maintaining the Pearson brand across a suite of products for the Pearson Fronter division.

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